IKEA Soft Toys for Education

Ikea foundation toy donation fawn

With all the hub bub of this busy Christmas season, it’s so easy to get caught up in trivialities and forget how lucky we are that our children have the chance of getting a good education. At casa My Poppet we donate to children’s charities throughout the year, and it’s good to know that big companies like IKEA are doing their part too. For the last 10 years, the IKEA foundation has donated funds from their IKEA Soft Toy Campaign to help provide quality education to children living in poverty in developing countries. This year it’s on again. Till January 5th 2014, for every IKEA soft toy or children’s book sold at IKEA, the IKEA Foundation will donate €1 (approx. $1.50 AUD) to children’s education through UNICEF and Save the Children.

toy wolf with red check shirt ikea

Since the campaign started in 2003, donations from the annual IKEA Soft Toy Campaign have totalled €57 million, helping more than 10 million children in 46 countries to enjoy their right to a quality education.

As well as donating €1 for every soft toy sold, there is also an option to ‘give a second time’ by donating the purchased soft toys or children’s books to Save the Children via the ‘Give Twice’ boxes located just outside the IKEA cash registers. The donated items are then distributed to Australian children in need.

“IKEA’s soft toys bring smiles to the faces of thousands of children. But many children across the globe have few reasons to smile. They don’t have access to basic things most of us take for granted – like clean water, food or education. IKEA’s annual Soft Toys for Education campaign makes a real difference – helping thousands of new children every year get an opportunity to receive a quality education.” Per Heggenes, CEO IKEA.

laughing girl surrounded by ikea toys

ikea foundation toys

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