Encourage Creative Play with Bunchems

If you like toys that encourage creative and open ended play, don’t require batteries, and will keep the kids entertained for ages, you’ll love Bunchems!

Bunchems toy - creative play, sensory play, fine motor skill development, review

Brought to you by Bunchems

Emma told me about Bunchems a while ago after seeing them on TV, so when we were asked to try them out for ourselves and share our creative experience, we both jumped at the chance to have a bit of fun together.

Originally inspired by burrs, nature’s clever way of spreading seeds, these colourful plastic spheres have little hooks on them which magically stick together to build and create anything you can imagine.
They combine construction with craft, and the best thing is, they can be reused over and over, and are super easy to clean up.

bunchems creations - monsters

They have an interesting texture which is great for sensory play activities, and are perfect for developing fine motor control. They stick together but are not sticky.

Emma absolutely loves them. This kid is easily distracted and often tends to lose interest quite quickly with craft activities, but I can honestly say she’s enjoyed playing with these for hours on end.

Bunchems toy review and giveaway - great for sensory play

Watch how much fun we had creating our Bunchems critters, they come with lots of fun add on pieces, like eyes, hats and wacky moustaches, which inspired her to create some fun monster characters. The zanier, the better. The Monster Challenge was on!

Emma also explains how Bunchems work, this kid needs her own TV show!

I’ve got to tell you we had so much fun making this video, I really need to make an out-takes reel, Emma is such a clown.

Some tips for playing with Bunchems:
Tie long hair back to avoid tangling.
Play on a table or hard surface, they may stick to carpet and pick up fluff.
Have fun!


Win a Bunchems Prize pack - GIVEAWAY mypoppet.com.au

So we were set a challenge to create the coolest Bunchems creation EVER. In the spirit of friendly competition we are having a fun face-off with You Clever Monkey.

They’ve made a thing, we’ve made a thing – Who will be the ultimate Bunchems champion?

Here is our creation, it’s an animation called Monster Disco starring some of our monsters letting their hair down at a monster party. I hope it makes you giggle.

For your chance to WIN one of two $250 prize packs, just leave a comment below with a vote for your favourite creation.

Do you like MONSTER DISCO by Emma for My Poppet or the Marionette Puppet Cat by You Clever Monkey? Which creation is your favourite?

I won’t be upset if you don’t vote for ours (just very disappointed – LoL)



  • Kate L says:

    Oh both such great blogs with awesome creations. I’ll have to vote for Emma’s Monster because it’s something a little more like what my child could make herself.

  • Janine McNaughton says:

    I love the monster video and also love the puppet cat! Both are so creative and it’s just amazing how these little sphere things can make such awesome creations! If I had to choose… it would definately be your video because I was blown away at the clever clip whilst watching it! You’re one very cool and creative mum :c)

  • I love both, but my kids and I will pick the Monster Disco because honestly, how could anyone resist cute monsters and discos? 😀

  • Debbie Tenni says:

    I love Monster Disco! Bunchems look like so much fun! My Preppies would love them!

  • Terri says:

    I personally love the man with the mo but I’d love to win these for my niece so I think she would love the groovy disco man. I can see her giggling away to these.

  • Bec says:

    Definitely Emma’s Monster Disco. My babe loves dancing and monsters, and she loved watching the video. She giggled when the purple monster unraveled with purple pieces everywhere.

  • Karen Edwards says:

    loving the Monster disco my little miss loves dancing

  • Melissa G says:

    Love both versions. I have a soft spot for the dedicated videos you made, soooo… I choose yours.
    My kids would go crazy with these toys. I can see my youngest making wacky monsters.

  • Chantelle says:

    Hands down it’s the Monster Disco! Your super cute clip had my 3yro twins in a giggling fit jumping up and down singing “I’m a cool dude!” We watched it 8 times in a row ?

  • Rosalie Bernacki says:

    We are very much loved cat people – Marionette Puppet Cat by You Clever Monkey just is super amazing…

  • Cathy M says:

    The purple disco monster is absolutely my favourite: I love the costume change, and the reducing number of bunchems at the end of the scene beautifully represents the energy level at the end of a real dance party (whether for my 2 littlies, or for me on a rare night out!). The truly look like fun for the whole family 🙂

  • Jenni-Mae Clissold says:

    Can we say it’s a tie?? So much clever work in both creations, my children are a little older and they preferred the puppet cat- they love marionettes and often make paper mâché ones. A video clip is so very hard to make but our vote goes to the marionette cat ?

  • Angela So says:

    Monster Disco! So cute!

  • Kaylee Athanasiou says:

    Where have these little creations been!!! That looks like a whole lot of fun my 6yr old daughter and I could do together. Being born in the 70’s (did I just admit that?) I just have to dig the disco dude………he’s too cool for school 😉 Thanks for another awesome update on everything fun in the world Miss Emma and Cintia. :))

  • Allison Eland says:

    Both the creations were great but I have to agree with you the little purple disco monster is too cute & would be something my two grandchildren would make & have a great time making also. thanks for the video.

  • Adrienne Aiple-Nigli says:

    I liked Emma’s Monster Disco the best – They are too cute for words!!! Well done Emma!

  • Laura Mah says:

    I love them both, that’s the great thing about them isn’t it> that the individual child makes them their own. I’m a cat lady though…….!

  • Katie Poli says:

    Oh, what a crazy bunch-of-fun,
    How can we pick only one?
    But if we must, we do conclude,
    Our favourite is the purple dude,
    His bunch-y mo was just the start,
    We chortled when he fell apart!

  • susan sobon says:

    Please be careful with the bunchems!! they are impossible to get out of girls hair and you usually end up having to cut them out! and it happens before you know it. these things are notorious for it. just search the internet, but be warned, its not pretty!

    • Cintia @ My Poppet says:

      Thanks for your concern. Yes I’ve seen the images online and I can assure you these are the most extreme cases where a suspect a mischievous brother was involved. With just a little supervision and tying long hair back there really isn’t much of a risk. We’ve been playing for weeks with no dire consequences, I even put them in my (straight-ish) hair (against all warnings and advice on box) to see what would happen and they slid right out, although I can see that really curly hair would be a little more challenging. They aren’t magically attracted to hair, contrary to what some of the reviews suggest, you really need to work them in to get them tangled like in the photos. They have a video showing how to get them out of hair if they become tangled without having to resort to cutting.
      They are really a great tool for sensory play, it would be a shame if people were scared off by some extreme reviews.

  • Paula H says:

    The Monster Disco gets my vote for sure!! Nice work – especially the change from greys to bright colours and also love the way you spelt out “the end”.
    I’d love to get creating with these myself!!

  • Bridget says:

    How could you not love Monster Disco!!! Adorable!!

  • Michelle V says:

    Monster Disco for the win!!!! Love the look of Bunchems, and I am sure my three young daughters would be entertained for hours with them if we were fortunate enough to win this awesome prize! Fingers crossed, and thank you for the terrific opportunity!

  • AmberB says:

    Monster Disco rules! Awesome stuff

  • LOVE LOVE Emma’s Monster Disco video, so much fun! And music! What’s not to love? I think my Miss-4 would be very excited to play with Bunchems and see what she could come up with too. (Although I will need to work on my stop-motion-video skills LOL).

  • sapna says:

    I loved the creations on both the blogs but i am answering the question asked …

    I totally loved the creative marionette puppet cat made by YOU CLEVER MONKEY. Bunchems would be perfect to encourage my son to have screen – free play time and have loads of fun by making his own creations.

  • Catrina Murray says:

    Ah! The Monster Disco makes me want to dance too!

  • Eamond Tomaszewski says:

    I Love the MONSTER DISCO the animation of it all would make for hours of fun My Monsters would love these. I already do

  • ange says:

    Monster Disco as he is the one guy I see that can dance!

  • Cintia @ My Poppet says:

    Entries now closed – Good Luck

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