Valentine’s Day is almost upon us, and the romantic in me is always excited by what this day represents. Even though I was one of the legions of luckless, unrequited teenagers who never discovered a love stamped note in their locker, I held onto hope that the next year would be different.
To celebrate my enthusiasm for Valentine’s Day I have created this sweet craft project that makes a very special gift for a loved one or special friend. Grandparents will love the special surprise tucked in the back. Read on to see what it is.
If you’ve ever wanted to try needle felting, this is an ideal project to start off with to practice surface embellishment. You can always embroider on the hearts if you don’t readily have needle felting supplies on hand.
Project Variations:
Mini Heart Pillow – Stuff it with filler during step 6 to make a small pillow. Add some dried rose petals or lavender for a lovely scent.
Brooch – Shrink down the template, omit the ribbon and attach a brooch pin to the back. Now you can wear a heart over your heart.
Make a Sweetheart Valentine’s Day Charm
You will need:
- 100cm red ribbon
- 1x purple felt sheet
- Red thread
- Needle
- Needle felting set (needle, mat)
- Red wool roving
- 3x4cm portrait photo
- Chalk
- 6x6cm foam board (scrap piece)
- Fabric scissors
- Art knife
- Cutting board
- Pencil
- Sewing machine
- Dressmakers pins
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How to:
1/ Print template at 100% and cut out the pattern pieces.
2/ Lay the pattern pieces on the purple felt, mark the outlines with chalk, and cut out. Lay the small heart pattern piece in the middle of the foam board scrap, mark the outline with a pencil, then cut out with an art knife. We will be using the outline foam as a template for needle felting.
3/ Place the front heart piece on the needle felting mat, and position the small heart template over this. Take a small section of red wool roving and push it into the template, needle felt into the purple felt. Repeat this step, making as many small red hearts on the large purple heart.
4/ Place the small photo in the back behind the cut out window on the second purple heart (Make sure the photo face is looking out). Using a sewing machine, stitch the photo to the felt along the window edge.
5/ Bring ends of the ribbon together and tie a knot. Stitch the knot into the top of the second purple heart.
6/ Pin the two purple heart pieces together (right sides out), and blanket stitch along the outside edge. (Or if you are pressed for time, you can machine sew the edges.)
Ta-daaa! Your heart is ready to give to your sweetheart!

Melissa is a hyper creative artist, and content creator.
To see more of Melissa’s work, follow these links –
Melissa, this is charming. Any youngster (and a quite a few grownups) would love to get this heart charm. Have a nice Valentine’s Day!
Thanks Priscilla! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Wow! This is a sure winner for quick and thoughtful gifts! Thank you for sharing!