At my house, we are crazy I tell! Crazy for The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, also known as Chat Noir. It is quite fitting then, that at Halloween the kids and I will be dressing up as our favourite miraculous television series characters.
If you’re not familiar with Chat Noir, here’s what he looks like in his super hero get-up:
Today I will show you how to make a Chat Noir costume and Ring on a budget, using items that can mostly be found around the home. Case in point, when I made this costume for my youngest* the only things I had to buy was the hot glue gun and the mask, which I picked up from Spotlight.
* She has been keeping the tooth fairy busy this year.
Make a Chat Noir costume for Halloween
You will need:
- Felt – black, green and grey
- Cardboard
- 8 black loom bands and 1 ‘S’ clip
- Jingle bell
- Needle
- Thread – black and green
- Hole puncher
- Hot glue gun
- Fabric scissors
- Headband
- Black eye mask (a simple mask can be found at any craft store)
- Black pants (track pants, jeans or leggings)
- Black long sleeve shirt
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How to make a Cat Noir Costume:
1/ Print template at 100% and cut out the pattern pieces.
2/ Using black thread, sew the jingle bell into the centre-front shirt collar.
3/ Using black thread, sew the black felt tail to the pants centre-back waistband, with the tail end pointing upward.
4/ Sew the 4 cat ear studs to the bottom corners of each cat ear.
5/ Heat up the hot glue gun for 5 minutes.
6/ Run a line of hot glue on the bottom edge of one black felt cat ear. Quickly push the cat ear to the headband, slightly left of centre. The grey ear studs are to the back, and curve the cat ear just a little. Repeat this step with the second cat ear, for the opposite side of the headband.
How to make a Cat Noir Ring:
7/ Loom a single chain ring using 8 loom bands and 1 ‘S’ clip.
8/ Using green thread, sew the green felt paw pieces to the middle of the black felt circle.
9/ Sew the black felt circle onto a black felt square.
10/ Layer the 2 black felt square pieces together and stitch closed two sides only. Slip the square cardboard between the 2 felt squares and stitch the remainder sides closed.
11/ Stitch the loom band ring to the underside of the decorative felt square section.
Plagg, claws out! Now you have your Chat Noir costume all a-ready-to-go-go for some good kitty Halloween fun.
Melissa is a hyper creative artist, and content creator.
To see more of Melissa’s work, follow these links –
Cute costume, cute model. I love that it’s FRUGAL because kids outgrow things so fast. The ring is extra special. Maybe your daughter will let you convert it to a brooch after Halloween.:-)
Thanks Priscilla!
A brooch: Now there is a neat idea.