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It had been quite some time since I’d watched the film Amelie, so the other night I popped in the DVD for old times sake and began watching. I cannot believe how much I’d forgotten! Amelie is such a vibrant visual feast of a film, and oh, the humour. I was laughing out loud over the subtlest moments – it’s all in the looks that the characters give each other when one is not looking.
While watching Amelie I sat on the couch with my concept book and began doodling an idea for a new paper project. This is one for the Francophiles. Or really, anyone with a love for apartments and playing with paper – A printable paper dolls house inspired by the Parisian apartment in the film Amelie.
Make a French Inspired Paper Apartment
You will need:
- 3x A4 card (must be able to pass through your printer)
- Colouring pens, pencils or paints
- Scissors
- Glue
- Sticky tape
- Art knife
- Cutting board
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If you are unable to print the template pages on to cardboard, here’s a neat little trick. You can print the templates onto regular paper, then glue the pages onto cardboard. When I’m on a tight budget I use breakfast cereal boxes.
If kids are working on this project, I recommend that an adult take over on Step 4, as an art knife is required for cutting.
How to:
1/ Print template at 100%. (3 pages)
2/ Using pens, pencils or paints, give the template pieces a splash of colour. There are two walls, one floor and one bunny paper doll to colour in.
3/ Using scissors, cut along the outside solid lines of all the template pieces.
4/ Using the art knife and board, carefully cut around the wall lamp and hanging plant, as per the broken lines. Ensure that the fold lines are not cut off.
5/ Fold the joining tabs inward, on the wall sections.
6/ Glue these sections to the exterior edge of the apartment walls and floor. An added measure, press lengths of sticky tape over these joins. You will now have a three-dimensional corner space.
7/ Fold the hanging plant sideways. Fold down the wall lamp extension in two places.
8/ Curl the paper doll tab and tape the ends together. The paper doll will stand up on it’s own. Now you’re ready to play. Yay!
Wow, how’d you think this up? You’re so creative. I really like the hanging plant and lamp 3D effect. Thanks for sharing your creation!
Thank you, Priscilla! The wonders that is my brain, I guess. LOL